Seeing Better Than You Have Before

  • Clearing the Fog: When Might You Need Cataract Treatment

    21 August 2023

    Cataracts, a common eye condition characterized by clouding of the lens, can significantly impact your vision and quality of life. While they are most often associated with aging, cataracts can occur for a variety of reasons and at any age. Recognizing when you might need cataract treatment is essential in maintaining your vision and eye health. 1. Age-Related Changes The most common type of cataracts is age-related. As you age, the proteins in your eye lens can clump together, forming a cloudy area known as a cataract.

  • Things To Know About Eye Care

    22 March 2023

    Your vision is important and should be taken care of accordingly. Unfortunately, many people overlook the care and attention that their eyes need. When you neglect your eyes, you risk suffering vision damage that you cannot reverse. Being proactive about eye care means understanding some key facts and seeking the treatment of an eye doctor when the situation warrants it.  You Should See An Eye Doctor Even If You Don't Have Vision Issues

  • Control Underlying Health Conditions To Avoid Vision Loss

    25 August 2022

    Vision loss is often attributed to older age, but the reality is that vision changes can occur at any stage. These early onset changes are especially common in people with underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. If you have been diagnosed with either of these conditions, learn more about how they can increase your risk of vision loss. High Blood Pressure Vision loss attributed to high blood pressure is often directly linked to excessive strain or pressure on the blood vessels that support the eyes.

  • Caring For Your Eyesight

    23 February 2022

    Caring for your eyesight can be a step that may be easy to overlook or underappreciate. However, serious vision issues can have a major impact on your quality of life, and developing a better appreciation for caring for this part of your body can be instrumental to preserving your sense of sight. Uncorrected Vision Problems Can Lead To Significant Eye Strain And Headaches Individuals will often have minor vision problems that may make it difficult for them to see up close or items that are relatively far away.

  • How to Prevent Cataracts

    19 October 2021

    Cataracts are quite common among the aging population and are the top cause of blindness among Americans. Cataracts form when the lens of your eyes becomes clouded. The eye lens should be transparent as it's the structure that allows light rays to pass onto the retina.  So, if the eye lens becomes clouded, it means that you'll have blurred vision, and if left untreated, you'll become blind. While optometrists can correct eye cataracts through surgery, it's still important that you know how to prevent them.

  • How An Eye Doctor Typically Treats Uveitis

    25 May 2021

    If your eyes are red, sensitive to bright lights, and are giving you blurry vision, then you probably have a condition called uveitis. This is an inflammation of the uvea, which is the middle layer of the white of your eye. Your eye doctor can diagnose uveitis with a few simple tests, most of which simply involve looking at the eye with a magnifying glass or microscope. Once you're diagnosed, though, how is uveitis treated?

  • Headaches? Why Your Eyes May Be To Blame

    6 December 2019

    If you have headaches often, it could be due to your eyes or your vision. If your headaches occur often, especially after work or school, it could be due to eye strain because of your vision. These headaches can make it difficult to concentrate and complete tasks. It can also put a strain in other areas of your life if you aren't able to do anything because your headaches are holding you back.

  • Eye Herpes: What Is It And How An Optometrist Help You Overcome It?

    12 August 2016

    The herpes simplex virus-1, or HSV-1, generally causes cold sore blisters around your lips, in your nasal openings, on your face, and sometimes inside your mouth. But the virus can also cause sores, also known as eye herpes or ocular herpes, to develop in, on and around different tissues of your eyes. If you have eye herpes, it's essential that you see an eye doctor for care. Here's more facts about eye herpes and what you can do to treat them.

  • Are You Ready For Lasik? Ways You Can Prepare For The Procedure

    3 June 2016

    If you have always dreamed of not having to wear glasses, then Lasik eye surgery may be something you have thought about. If you feel you are a candidate for this type of eye surgery and have talked to your optometrist about this option, it's time to prepare yourself for the procedure. Here are the things you should do to ensure the greatest success when having this surgery done. Stop wearing contacts

  • Can Intacs Correct Keratoconus

    28 April 2016

    Kerataconus is a degenerative condition, which causes the cornea of the eye to thin. As it thins, the cornea will start to bulge. While an astigmatism also consists of bulges in the cornea, the bulges resulting from keratocanus are especially irregular. If you have kerataconus, contact lenses and glasses may not be enough to correct your vision completely. In some cases, intacs may be just what you need to get your vision back.