Seeing Better Than You Have Before

  • Questions To Ask Yourself If You Are Considering Contacts

    10 November 2015

    If you've been thinking about giving contacts a try, there are some questions you can ask yourself to determine whether or not you are a good candidate. There are many benefits that come with wearing contacts, but there are also some things you should be prepared for and willing to accept. Before you get contacts, you may want to ask yourself these questions: Can you get past the thought of touching your eye?

  • Get Your Asperger's Child Through An Eye Exam In A Stress-Free Manner

    28 September 2015

    If it's time for you to take your child in for an eye exam and they have Asperger's then you want to make sure you take extra steps so the appointment goes smoothly and without unnecessary stress for either one of you. Follow the tips in this article to have a more pleasant experience when you take your child in for their eye exam. Set up a walk through

  • 3 Things You Need To Know About Traumatic Cataracts

    17 September 2015

    A cataract is an eye disorder characterized by clouding of the cornea. Cataracts can develop as a natural consequence of the aging process, but they can also occur in response to eye trauma. The latter type of cataracts are known as traumatic cataracts. Here are three things you need to know about them. What are the signs of cataracts? After you suffer an eye injury, you need to closely monitor your eyes for signs of cataract development.

  • Cataract Treatment Questions That Patients May Need Answered

    10 September 2015

    A person may start to become at a greater risk of developing vision problems as they age, and in this regard, cataracts are fairly common issues that people can experience. This is essentially when the lens of the eye starts to become cloudy. While these vision problems can be treated, patients often have a very limited understanding about this condition. For patients that are suffering from cataracts, it is important to understand the following answers to questions about treating this vision issue.

  • 5 Tips For Living With Macular Degeneration

    23 July 2015

    Macular degeneration, which is often associated with age, can cause you to have poor vision. Although it usually does not affect your peripheral vision, it can make seeing very difficult in most everyday situations. This can obviously cause big changes in your life, but luckily, there are a few things that you can do to make living with macular degeneration easier. 1. Install Brighter Lights Low light can make it even more difficult for you to see if you have macular degeneration.

  • Eat Your Way To Good Eye Health

    1 July 2015

    Eating an overall healthy diet is more than just watching your weight and remaining lean. A good diet can also be good for eyes as well. It is important to choose a wide variety of foods in order to maintain your overall health, but there are certain foods designed to keep your eyes healthy as well. Some foods are filled with nutrients that can ward off common eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

  • Understanding More About The Rare Forms Of Glaucoma That Steal Vision

    24 June 2015

    While primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is the most common type of the disorder, there are less common forms. Glaucoma is an overall term used to describe a group of eye diseases that can cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve, yet not everyone in the general public know about the rare forms of glaucoma that exist. Despite there being no cure for glaucoma, there is treatment available that can help preserve vision.